Tahmineh Monzavi
B.1988 Tehran, Iran
Tahmineh Monzavi, born in 1988 in Tehran, is a socially conscious photographer. She began her professional career as a documentary photographer in 2005. In her professional life, with her collection of photographs and her harmonious approach to her environment and her time, Tahmineh created her own style to capture and explore in the fields of artistic and documentary photography with honesty and fearlessness. In her series of photographs for the exhibition titled Red Soil (2018), she captures the scenic landscapes of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf against the ones in Svalbard in the Longyearbyen Archipelago off the coast of Norway—both sites of high political tension. The fact that there is a universality to matters of strife despite geographical distance points to the need to investigate how oppressive environments can affect our sense of being and becoming.