Sara Chamanpira
B.1995 Tehran, Iran
Sara Chamanpira (b. 1995) is a painter and drawing instructor based in Tehran. She is a graduate of painting from the Faculty of Art and Architecture, Azad University (Tehran, Central Branch). Her work reflects her personal experience as well as the study of systemic forms of suppression, expressed through her depictions of the human body as well as compositions that display complacency, apathy, and forced indifference. Her recent work concerns the socio-political challenges intertwined into her daily life as well as how our understanding of events and reality is shaped. Her pair of paintings, depicting a boy and a girl with a pearl necklace, respectively, proposes the human body as the canvas that encapsulates the best of human expressions. The work, as a reflection of silent expressions, speaks to the curatorial thematic of the omnipresent, the always-lingering oppression.